

2020年09月02日 11:24 点击:[]

序号 篇名 通讯作者 第一作者 刊物名称 发表时间 if
1 optimum ridge-furrow ratio and suitable ridge-mulching material for   alfalfa production in rainwater harvesting in semi-arid regions of china 王琦 王琦 field crops research, 180:186–196 2015 2.976
2 effect of degradation and rebuilding of artificial grasslands on soil   respiration and carbon and nitrogen pools on an alpine meadow of the qinghai   tibetan plateau 曹文侠 李文 ecological engineering 2018-01-09 3.023
3 identification and biocontrol potential of antagonistic bacteria strains 姚拓 孙广正 biological control 2017-01-15 2.307
4 climate change-induced range expansion of a subterranean rodent:   implications for rangeland management in qinghai-tibetan plateau 纪维红 苏军虎 plos one 2015, 10(9) 2.806
5 physiological and proteomic responses of contrasting alfalfa (medicago   satival.) varieties to peg-induced osmotic stress 师尚礼 张翠梅 frontiers in plant science 2018-02-28 3.678
6 biocontrol potential of a native species of trichoderma   longibrachiatum against meloidogyne incognita 徐秉良 张树武 applied soil ecology 2015, 94 2.644
7 the optimum ridge-furrow ratio and suitable ridge-covering material in   rainwater harvesting for oats production in semiarid regions of china 王琦 王琦 field crops research, 172:106–118 2015 2.976
8 effects of grazing regime on vegetation structure, productivity, soil 曹文侠 李文 ecological engineering 2017-01-01 2.914
9 the positive effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on the   chlorophyll biosynthesis, photosystem and calvin cycle of kentucky bluegrass   seedlings in response to osmotic stress 马晖玲 牛奎举 environmental and experimental botany 2018-07-10 3.666
10 six years of grazing exclusion is the optimum duration in the alpine   meadow-steppe of the northeastern qinghai-tibetan plateau 师尚礼 李文 scientific reports 43426 4.122
11 changesin the soil microbial communities of alpine steppe at   qinghai-tibetan plateau under different degradation levels 张德罡 周恒 science of the total environment 2018-10-01 4.61
12 selection of candidate reference genes for gene expression analysis in   kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l.) under abiotic stress 马晖玲 牛奎举 frontiers in plant science 2017 4.298
13 5-aminolevulinic acid modulates antioxidant defense systems and mitigates   drought-induced damage in kentucky bluegrass seedlings 马晖玲 牛奎举 protoplasma 2017-05-15 2.87
14 phosphorus and defoliation interact and improve the growth and   composition of theplant community and soil properties in an alpine pasture of   qinghai-tibet plateau 聂中南 祁娟 plos one 42306 2.806
15 drought tolerance in alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) varieties is associated   with enhanced antioxidative protection and declined lipid peroxidation 师尚礼 zhang, cuimei journal of plant physiology jan 1 2019 2.825
16 decreasing brown bear (ursus arctos) habitat due to climate change in   central asia and the asian highlands weihong ji 苏军虎 ecology and evolution 2018-10-31 2.34
17 microbial inoculation influences bacterial community succession and   physicochemical characteristics during pig manure composting with corn straw 姚拓 li, changning bioresource technology oct 2 2019 6.669
18 vegetation distribution alongmountain environmental gradient predicts   shifts in plant community response to climate change in alpine meadow on the   tibetan plateau 花立民 牛钰杰 science of the total environment 43340 4.61
19 anatomical changes to protect organelle integrity account for tolerance   to alkali and salt stresses in melilotus officinalis 马晖玲 张咏梅 plant soil 2016-06-06 3.308
20 distribution and utilization of nitrogen on moderately and heavily grazed   temperate desert steppe using the n-15 tracing technique 赵桂琴 焦婷 applied soil ecology 2018 2.916
21 competition between cocksfoot (dactylis glomerata l.) and companion   species: evidence for allelopathy 聂中南 李硕 field crops research 2016-11-01 2.976
22 managing china’s pastoral lands,current problems and future prospects 花立民 花立民 land use policy 2015,43 2.631
23 range management: tibetan wildlife hemmed in 纪维红 纪维红 nature 2016-04-01 38.138
24 transcript profiling and gene identification involved in the ethylene   signal transduction pathways of creeping bentgrass (agrostis stolonifera)   during isr response induced by butanediol 马晖玲 姜寒玉 molecules 2018-03-20 3.098
25 2,3-butanediol activated disease-resistance of creeping bentgrass by   inducing phytohormone and antioxidant responses 马晖玲 史毅 plant physiology and biochemistry 2018-06-08 2.718
26 effects of yak and tibetan sheep trampling on soil properties in the   northeastern qinghai-tibetan plateau 鱼小军 柴锦隆 applied soil ecology 2019.4 3.445
27 sediment control and fodder yield increase in alfalfa (medicago sativa l)   production with tied-ridge-furrow rainwater harvesting on sloping land 王琦 王琦 field crops research 2018-06-05 3.127
28 transcriptional responses of creeping bentgrass to 2,3-butanediol, a   bacterial volatile compound (bvc) analogue 马晖玲 史毅 molecules 2017-06-15 2.861
29 overgrazing leads to soil cracking that later triggers the severe   degradation of alpine meadows on the tibetan plateau 花立民 niu, yujie land degradation & development jun 1 2019 4.275
30 the effects of topographical factors on the distribution of plant   communities in a mountain meadow on the tibetan plateau as a foundation for   target-oriented management 花立民 niu, yujie ecological indicators nov 11 2019 4.49
31 sex-differential reproduction success and selection on floral traits in   gynodioecious salvia pratensis 张勃 zhang, bo bmc plant biology aug 27 2019 3.67
32 plant diversity is closely related to the density of zokor mounds in   three alpine rangelands on the tibetan plateau 花立民 niu, yujie peerj may 13 2019 2.353
33 characterizing the morphology characters and carbonhydrate metabolism of   oat culms and their association with lodging resistance 马晖玲 张然 plant biology 2019.11 2.393
34 gender difference in unconditioned and conditioned predator fear   responses in smith's zokors (eospalax smithii). 苏军虎 hegab, im global ecology and conservation 2018.12 2.174
35 cyclic formation of zokor mounds promotes plant diversity and renews   plant communities in alpine meadows on the tibetan plateau 花立民 niu, yujie plant and soil nov 11 2019 3.259
36 nitrogen fertilizer regulates soil respiration by altering the organic   carbon storage in root and topsoil in alpine meadow of the north-eastern   qinghai-tibet plateau 师尚礼 li, wen scientific reports sep 24 2019 4.011
37 evaluation of seven chemical pesticides by mixed microbial culture   (pcs-1): degradation ability, microbial community, and medicago sativa   phytotoxicity 姚拓 李海云 journal of hazardous materials 2019.12 7.65
38 time in pasture rotation alters soil microbial community composition and   function and increases carbon sequestration potential in a temperate   agroecosystem 张德罡 林栋 science of the total environment 2019.9 5.589
39 first report of pink seed of lucerne caused by erwinia rhapontici in   china 张振粉 张振粉 plant disease 2018-06-06 2.941
40 suitable furrow mulching material for maize and sorghum production with   ridge-furrow rainwater harvesting in semiarid regions of china. agricultural   water management 王琦 张登奎 agricultural water management 2019.11 3.542
41 experimental infection in mice with erwinia persicina 张振粉 mohamaden, wi microbial pathogenesis may 2 2019 2.581
42 function-related drivers of skull morphometric variation and sexual size   dimorphism in a subterranean rodent, plateau zokor (eospalax baileyi). 南志标 苏军虎 ecology and evolution 2018-08-01 2.34
